posters, books, stickers, actions
press, publications
talks, performances, workshops
Guerrilla Girls Manifesta
Vote Harris/Walz, Apple Pie and Freedom!
It’s Not Apple Pie Without Ice Cream! It’s Not Democracy Without Feminism!, U.S.
It’s Not Bibimbap Without Gochujang! It’s Not Democracy Without Feminism!
Guerrilla Girls Reality Check: The Hudson River School
This Crumb Represents Works by Women in the MK&G Hamburg, in English & German
The Estrogen Bomb Update
Meet the Creeps (poster)
Why Does The Us Have 5% Of The World's Population But 20% Of Its Prisoners? (billboard, Miami, with Art At A Time Like This))
¿Por Que Ee Uu Tiene El 5% De La Poblacion Mundial Pero El 20% De Sus Prisioneros? (billboard, Miami, with Art At A Time Like This))
Florida In-Justicia (bus shelter card, Miami, with Art At A Time Like This)
Florida In-Justice (bus shelter card, Miami, with Art At A Time Like This)
The Ocean Around Tasmania In Warming At 2-3 Times The Global Rate, (billboard, Tasmania, with water(shed))
Are There More Naked Women Than Women Artists In Uk Museums? (billboard, UK, with Art Night UK)
The Male Graze (video)
The Male Graze (website)
Guerrilla Girls, DiscrimiNation on Sunset Blvd (digital billboard video)
Guerrilla Girls, If You Keep Women Out They Get Resentful, Sunset Blvd (digital billboard video)
The Art of Behaving Badly (book)
Democracy? Only when all votes are counted! - For Freedoms 2020 AWAKENING (billboard, West Virginia)
The Acts of Police Violence in The U.S. Are Crimes Against Humanity (video)
Guerrilla Girls Refuse to Celebrate the 19th Amendment Until Every Vote is Counted (poster)
Jeffrey Epstein, Leon Black And MoMA - Guerrilla Girls x Art In Ad Spaces (poster action)
Guerrilla Girls’ Code of Ethics for Art Museums Monument (poster)
The U.S. Senate is More Progressive Than Hollywood, Update (poster)
Dear Boss: No Wonder You Don’t Pay Us A Living Wage - with For Freedoms (poster)
The NY Art Book Fair, MoMA PS1, Queens, NY
3 Ways To Write A Museum Wall Label When The Artist Is A Sexual Predator (poster)
If You Keep Women Out They Get Resentful (poster)
MoMA Loves DaDA Not MaMA (poster)
After 96 Years Kestnergesellschaft Discovers Women Artists! (poster)
One Is Not Enough! (video for the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam)
Guerrilla Girls x Art In Ad Spaces (action)
The NY Art Book Fair, MoMA PS1, Queens, NY
Guerrilla Girls: Departamento de Reclamações (action)
As mulheres precisam estar nuas para entrar no Museu de Arte de São Paulo? (poster)
Las Mujeres Artistas en Ecuador están en la lona (poster)
No soy feminista pero si lo fuera, de esto es de lo que me quejaria (action)
Guerrilla Girls at the Women's March, Washington DC
Guerrilla Girls at the Women's March, Los Angeles
Guerrilla Girls and Occupy Museums Statement and Protest, MoMA, NYC
Wealth & Power (poster/sticker)
Trump Announces New Commemorative Months (poster/sticker)
Complaints Department, Tate Modern (action)
The Hysterical Herstory of Hysteria and How It Was Cured: From Ancient Times Until Now, published with Michèle Didier Editions (book)
The Advantages of Owning Your Own Art Museum (poster/sticker)
Guerrilla Girls Twin Cities Takeover (banners, billboards, projections, and so much more!)
Why has 87% of Icelandic Film Centre funding gone to men? (billboard)
Billionaires hijack the art world. Guerrilla Girls hijack billionaires. Street project with The Illuminator (projections)
NYC Stickering Campaign: Billionaires Controlling Art
How many women had one-person exhibitions at NYC museums last year? Recount 2015 (sticker)
These galleries show no more than 20% women artists or none at all. Recount 2015 (sticker)
Dear Art Collector Billionaire (sticker)
Dear Art Museum Billionaire (sticker)
Dear Art Gallery Billionaire (sticker)
Do women have to be naked to get into music videos? (poster)
Bus companies are more enlightened than art galleries (poster)
Les Avantages D’etre Une Femme Artiste (poster)
The NY Art Book Fair, MoMA PS1, Queens, NY
I'm Not a Feminist, But If I Was, This Is What I Would Complain About, Fairfield Univeristy, CT (chalkboard install)
Why are the Guerrilla Girls Talking Trash? Street project in Spanish and Basque for Alhondiga, Bilbao show (banner)
The Estrogen Bomb (banner)
Michele Bachmann (billboard)
Voter ID Minnesota (poster)
One Billion Rising (flash mob)
Boston Billboard Truck Project (banner)
Interactive Street Project for the Art Boom Festival in Krakow (banner)
Dearest Interview Magazine (project about the magazine's coverage for the march 2012 issue)
Guerrilla Girls to Museums: Time for Gender Reassignment (poster)
Do Women Have to be Naked to Get Into the Met. Museum? Update 2012 (poster)
The Guerrilla Girls' Art Museum Activity Book Update (2012 edition with new material and more pages)
Arms and the Man (poster, Stockholm, Sweden)
A Toast to Irish Art and I'm Not A Feminist (2 banners about the Irish art world)
Disturbing the Peace (poster in English and French, Montreal)
The Guerrilla Girls' Hysterical Herstory of Hysteria and How it Was Cured, from Ancient times Until Now (book)
Guerrilla Girls and Brainstormers Get Mad (action outside the Bronx Museum and on the streets of Chelsea, NY)
Dearest Eli Broad (action at Los Angeles County Museum of Art)
Horror on the National Mall (project for the Washington Post)
The Birth of Feminism (banner, Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Do women have to be naked to get into U.S. museums? (sandwich board, China)
Free the Women Artists! (sandwich board, China)
Dear Collector, (sandwich board in English and Chinese, China)
Dear Collector, (banner in English and Greek, Greece)
¡Hay que quitar las Cadenas a las Mujeres Directoras! (banner, Mexico)
¡Hay que quitar las Cadenas a las Mujeres Directoras! (billboard, Spain)
Unchain the Woman Directors! (billboard)
The Future for Turkish Women Artists (billboard)
Free Women Artists of Europe (poster, coaster)
The Venice Biennale (6 large scale banners)
The Guerrilla Girls' Art Museum Activity Book (book)
I Decide...They don't Decide (posters)
Bitches, Bimbos and Ballbreakers: the Guerrilla Girls' Illustrated Guide to Female Stereotypes (book)
The Estrogen Bomb Update (project for the Village Voice, poster, sticker)
The Women's Terror Alert System (project for the Village Voice, poster)
The Trent L'Ottscar Billboard (billboard)
George Bush's Letter to Santa (poster)
The Anatomically Correct Oscar Billboard (billboard)
The Estrogen Bomb card (project for Spiritus Mundi)
The Birth of Feminism Movie Poster (poster, also project for The Nation, also in Adbusters #37)
GG's to join Whitney Museum's Acquisitions Committee (action)
Guerrilla Girls go ape at the Oscars...and the Sundance Film Festival (sticker campaign with Alice Locas group)
Send a message to those body obsessed guys in Hollywood (stickers, projects in Bitch and Ms. magazines)
More Bushes in the White House? (poster)
What do Toilet Stalls and the Tony Awards have in Common? (poster, Guerrilla bag, action at Tony Awards, NY)
Know Your Theatre Lingo (poster)
Guerrilla Girls' Postcard Book (book)
Brooklyn Landmark for Sale (poster)
Guerrilla Girls reveal secret Giuliani/Saatchi plan for Brooklyn Museum (poster)
There's a Tragedy on Broadway (poster, ad in In Theater, action at Tony Awards, NY)
The Anatomically Correct Oscar (project for The Nation)
Oh! The Joys of Being a Woman Playwright (poster, ad in New Dramatists)
Get Naked for Mass MOCA (billboard)
The Guerrilla Girls' Bedside Companion to the History of Western Art (book)
What Guerrilla Girls Do in Broadway and off-Broadway Theatre Bathrooms (sticker)
As Good as it Gets? (sticker)
Theater Quiz (ad in In Theater magazine)
You Can Change American Theater by Going to the Toilet (ad in Theater magazine)
Spy Kit/Kiosk for the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York (project for exhibition)
3 White women, 1 Woman of Color and no Men of Color— out of 71 artists? (postcard campaign and poster)
Moma Mia!!! 13 years and still counting! (poster)
How to Enjoy the Battle of the Sexes (project for The New Yorker)
Guerrilla Girls Proclaim Internet Too Pale, Too Male! (poster)
Sotheby's Protest (action and flier)
Publication of our first book, Confessions of the Guerrilla Girls (book)
Guerrilla Girls website debuts (website)
Traditional Values and Quality Return to the Whitey Museum (poster)
Cold-blooded Beast Takes Over Washington (poster)
OJ/Andre (poster)
Trashy Ideas about the Environment (garbage bag)
Token Times (poster)
Top Ten Signs That You're an Art World Token (poster)
Sorry Sweetie / Way to go, dude! (poster and action at CAA conference, New York)
ARTFORHIM (poster)
Hot Flashes Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 4 (quarterly newsletter)
Art World Shows It's Derriere (project for Ms. Magazine)
Discover How Discriminating Museums Are (project for Ms. Magazine)
Hot Flashes Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 2-3 (quarterly newsletter)
Hormone Imbalance/Melanin Deficiency (poster)
White Supremacism (a project for World Art)
Berlin Protest Bag (action)
Hot Flashes Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 1 (quarterly newsletter)
If you're raped, you might as well “relax and enjoy it,” because no one will believe you! (poster)
Supreme Court Justice supports right to privacy for gays and lesbians. (poster)
Republicans do believe in a woman's right to control her own body! (poster)
Guerrilla Girls demand a return to traditional values on abortion. (poster)
How long did it take to loot South Central LA? (poster)
Hold on to your wallets! Cross your legs! (poster)
Guerrilla Girls explain the concept of natural law (project for Mirabella magazine)
Postcard campaign/protest over Guggenheim opening in SoHo, NY (action, postcard, Guerrilla head bag)
Montgomery, Alabama 1955? No. Saudi Arabia 1991. (poster)
Did she risk her life for governments that enslave women? (poster)
Dear Uncle Sam and the News Media (poster)
George Bush, “The Education President” (poster)
Missing in Action (poster)
What's the difference between a prisoner of war and a homeless person? (poster)
These are the most bigoted galleries in New York. (poster)
“What I want for Mother's Day” (poster, project with The Artist & Homeless Collaborative)
”I can survive on the street.” (poster, project with The Artist & Homeless Collaborative)
“I've begged.” (poster, project with The Artist & Homeless Collaborative)
First they want to take away a woman's right to choose. Now they're censoring art. (billboard)
Guerrilla Girls go back to the jungle (project for Artforum)
Guerrilla Girls' Pop Quiz (poster)
Guerrilla Girls' identities exposed! (poster)
Guerrilla Girls' Definition of a Hypocrite (poster)
Guerrillas In Our Midst, a film by Amy Harrison (film)
We've encouraged our galleries to show more women & artists of color. Have you? (poster)
How many works by women artists were in the Andy Warhol & Tremaine Auctions at Sotheby's? (poster)
Guerrilla Girls Code of Ethics for Art Museums (poster)
You're seeing only 1/2 the picture without the vision of women artists and artists of color. (poster)
Bus companies are more enlightened than NYC Galleries. (poster)
Relax Senator Helms, the art world is your kind of place! (poster)
Do Women have to be naked to get into the Met. Museum? (poster)
When racism and sexism are no longer fashionable, what will your art collection be worth? (poster)
At last! Museums will no longer discriminate against women and minority artists.(poster)
The Advantages Of Being A Woman Artist (poster)
We Sell White Bread (sticker)
What's fashionable, prestigious and tax deductible? (poster)
Why in 1987 is Documenta 95% white and 83% male? (calling card)
Guerrilla Girls Review the Whitney (interactive exhibition at the Clocktower, New York)
Guerrilla Girls Hits List (poster)
Hidden Agender/Passing the Buck (poster, panel discussions)
Under Surveillance this year... (poster)
Which art magazine was worst for women last year? (poster)
Only 4 commercial galleries in NY show black women. Only 1 shows more than 1. (poster)
Guerrilla Girls' 1986 Report Card (poster)
Dearest Art Collector (poster)
It's Even Worse In Europe (poster)
On Oct. 17 the Palladium will apologize to women artists (poster, curation of exhibition)
These critics don't write enough about women artists (poster)
John Russell thinks things are getting better for... (poster)
Women in America earn only 2/3 of what men do. Women artists earn only 1/3 of what men artists do. (sticker/poster)
How many women had one-person exhibitions at NYC museums last year? (poster)
These galleries show no more than 10% women artists or none at all. (poster)
What do these artists have in common? (poster)